Zortam Mp3 Media Studio - Программа для работы с MP3 файлами из разряда "всё-в-одном". В ней имеются: редактор MP3-тэгов ID3v1 и ID3v2, Mp3-органайзер, менеджер плэй-листов, синхронизация тэгов, копирование ID3v1 в ID3v2 и наоборот, экспорт тэгов в HTML, генерирование отчетов, поиск тем в пользовательском архиве, переименование и т.д. Функциональная программа для создания, редактирования и управления библиотекой MP3-файлов. Zortam Mp3 Media Studio обладает удобным интерфейсом, позволяющим без труда добавлять, сортировать и просматривать сведения о большом количестве музыкальных композиций. Из основных возможностей программы Zortam Mp3 Media Studio можно отметить: мощные инструменты для работы с ID3-тегами, автоматическое заполнение тегов, загруженных из Интернет базы Zortam Music и сайта Amazon.com, поиск песен в базе данных, сохранение CD Audio дисков в MP3 и WAV-файлы, запись музыки на CD диски, а также конвертирование формата WAV в MP3 и обратно. Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is a powerful tool that allows you to edit, normalize and create Mp3s. It is also a great application for converting audio CDs to mp3 format or Wav to mp3. Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one Mp3 application that contains Mp3 ID3 Tag Organizer for searching and cataloguing Mp3 files into Mp3 library, editing ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags (ID3 Tag Editor-Mp3 Tag Editor), CD Ripper with album cover art/lyric support that uses CDDB (Internet Compact Disc Database) and automatically writes ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags. CD Ripper downloads album cover arts and lyrics from the interenet as you rip your CD (CD Ripper with lyric/cover art support), Mp3 Normalizer with custom volume level allows normalization of your Mp3's (Batch Mp3 Normalizer), search for song lyric from the internet (Batch Lyric Finder), search for album cover (album) arts (pictures) from the internet (Batch Cover Finder), batch lyrics and cover art finder from the internet (Batch Lyric-Cover Finder). Create lyric book in html format (cover pictures are included) from ID3v2 tags (Lyric Book), convert Wav to Mp3 files and Mp3 to Wav files (Wav/Mp3 Converter), manage M3u playlists (Playlist Manager), rename files using ID3 tags (Mp3 Renamer), search for duplicate Mp3 files, (Search Duplicate Mp3's). Play Mp3's using your favorite Mp3 player, add karaoke (Kar) and midi (Mid) files directly to ID3 tag (Karaoke Manager), and keep them together in Mp3 file and play either Mp3 or Kar file from the single Mp3 file. You can manage as many as you want music collections saving your current Mp3 list to Zortam Mp3 library (.zor) which you can take it with you to another computer.Search for music, pictures, album editorial review on Amazon.com, and automatically tag your files using Amazon.com.Get the lyric for several lyrics servers and cover arts using batch lyric and cover art processing. All lyrics and cover arts (album pictures) saved with Zortam Mp3 Media Studio are compatible with Windows Media Player, iTunes and visible on your iPod and any other portable Mp3 Player that supports lyrics and cover arts. Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is a great all-in-one music tool for organizing your Mp3/Karaoke collection for editing Mp3 ID3 tags, ripping your CD, normalizing Mp3, converts Mp3/Wav and Wav/Mp3, to get song lyric and cover arts from the internet and keeping your music collection well organized. Разработчик: Zortam Corporation Лицензия: FREE Обновлена: 2010 Язык: ML + английский ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7 Размер файла: 5.49/10.09 Mb Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Standart 11.40 ML Letitbit Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Standart 11.40 ML Portable Letitbit