Total Recorder - лучшая программа для записи с практически любого источника звука - линейного входа, CD, DVD, микрофона или, например, интернет-радиостанций или телефонных бесед через Интернет. Можно записывать все, что проигрывается медиаплеероми - RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, WinAmp или любым другим, а также записать музыку из игры или любой другой программы. Запись звука происходит в WAV или mp3-файлы; есть встроенный планировщик заданий и опция конвертации "старых" аудиофайлов (вроде .*AU) в WAVE для их дальнейшего преобразования в mp3. Total Recorder is a multi-purpose audio and video recording software program with a wide variety of editing and sound processing capabilities. You can record streaming audio, Mic input, or Line-in input from external devices connected to your PC. The resulting files are saved on your computer's hard-drive. The system also allows users to schedule any number of future recordings! Total Recorder provides many powerful functions for the recording, converting, editing, and processing of sound. With the Video Add-on, you can record from any combination of video and audio sources. Records PC audio from almost any source, including streamed audio from programs like Windows Media Player. It can also record conventional audio from a CD, a microphone, and other input lines on a sound card. Recordings can be saved to the hard drive in wave (compressed or uncompressed), WMA, MP3, FLAC, or Ogg Vorbis format. Also incorporates extensive features for editing audio files and enhanced scheduling features. Use Total Recorder with optional Add-ons: Spectrum Analyzer and Graphic Equalizer Add-on, Digital Mixer Add-on, Audio Restoration Add-on, AGC and Speech Enhancement Add-on, iTunes/iPod Add-on and NEW Video Capture Add-on. Total Recorder is distributed in the following editions: Standard Edition (SE), Professional Edition (PE), VideoPro Edition (VE), and Developer Edition (DE). VideoPro Edition and Developer Edition are powerful tools for recording, editing, converting, and playing sound and video files. Standard Edition and Professional Edition are all-in-one audio solutions designed to meet all of your needs for working with audio. Note that Professional Edition includes all the features provided by Total Recorder Standard Edition. The VideoPro Edition includes all of the powerful features for working with audio as Total Recorder Professional Edition. Features: • Capture any sound played by a computer (including live Internet broadcasts), and use the included time shift feature for off-hours recording. • Record sound coming through a microphone or played by an external device such as a tape player, LP player, portable music player, etc. • Capture video from the PC screen or from hardware video devices; merge video with audio tracks; edit video files without re-encoding using the Video Add-on. • Record Internet broadcasts on a user-defined schedule much like a conventional VCR. • Convert between different sound formats either directly or by re-recording. • Normalize, split, cut, or join compressed audio files; edit tags; automatically split a long broadcast into smaller pieces and tag them. • Process digital audio through add-ons: equalizer, audio cleaning, noise cancellation, automatic gain control. • Process (for example, convert, normalize, etc.) a group of files, such as an entire folder, with a single operation. Информация о программе: Год выпуска: 2010 Страница программы: totalrecorder Язык интерфейса: english Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Лекарство: есть Размер файла: 5.4/5.9 Mb Total Recorder PRO 8.2 Build 4200 Letitbit Total Recorder PRO 8.2 Build 4200 Portable Letitbit