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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 2 » Roxio Burn RuS + Portable

Roxio Burn RuS + Portable

Roxio Burn - лучший и простой инструмент для записи CD, DVD и Blu-Ray дисков. Новый, удобный Roxio Burn десктоп-виджет позволяет легко перетаскивать файлы для записи или копировать их прямо на Ваш рабочий стол. Диск будет совместим практически с любым компьютером Windows!

* Перетаскивание файлов непосредственно на записываемый CD, DVD или BD
* Процесс, формат, и запись в один шаг
* Сохранение файлов и папок на диске
* Совместное использование и передача информации недорого и быстро

Roxio delivers the industry's best and easiest tools for burning CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The new, handy Roxio Burn desktop widget lets you easily drag and drop files for burning or copying right on your desktop. The final disc will be compatible with almost any Windows computer! Roxio Burn is a lightweight disc-burning tool, Roxio Burn, target particularly for Windows 7 users. This intelligently styled application simplifies the conventional ways of disc burning processes into a few simple steps. With Roxio Burn installed, users will be prompted a Roxio Burn desktop icon whenever users insert a blank disc into the optical disc. If users need to burn a file, users just need to drag the file on top of the Roxio Burn desktop icon and thence click the “Burn” button to start the burning process. Via this disc burning application, files burning can just be done within a few seconds. In case users want to burn large files, the smart Roxio Burn can also automatically span the files across multiple discs.

Intuitive drag and drop disc burning and copying in an easy to use desktop widget
• Drag and drop files directly to a recordable CD, DVD or BD
• Process, format, and burn in one easy step
• Save files and folders to your recorder drive
• Share and transfer information inexpensively and quickly

According to Roxio, this unique burning tool is only expected to be available shortly on Windows 7 and Vista PCs from major manufacturers. It sounds like the application will only be available for those new Windows 7 PCs.

• Convenient Desktop. Insert a disc in your drive, and Roxio Burn icon will appear automatically on your desktop. Move it around to any convenient desktop location.
• Drag and Drop Burning. Just drag-and-drop files to the desktop icon and Roxio Burn will burn them automatically - it will even split large files to burn them to multiple discs.
• One Click Disc Copy. Copy discs with one click - just insert the original and click Copy. Roxio Burn will prompt you to insert the blank disc.
• Advanced Features. Additional features are a click away with the quick drop-down menu. Erase discs, save and burn disc images, and more.

Burning & Copying:
* A convenient desktop icon appears when a disc is inserted in the drive
* Drag-and-drop functionality for faster copying and burning - One-click disc copying
* Media recommendation tools
* Multi-Disc burning - When files are too large for a disc, Roxio Burn prompts users to insert a disc with adequate capacity or it will burn the files across multiple discs.
* Comprehensive support for media and disc types
* Compatible with discs burned in Vista/Win7
* .iso Image Burning - Roxio Burn will burn an .iso image. Just drop the .iso file onto the desktop icon. This allows all types of discs to be burned, including bootable, audio, video and other special disc types.

Год выхода: 2010
Разработчик: Roxio Co.
Лекарство: встроено
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
Размер: 31.85/33.47 Mb

Roxio Burn RuS

Roxio Burn RuS Portable

Категория: Создание СD&DVD | Просмотров: 519 | Добавил: go19021984 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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