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Главная » 2010 » Октябрь » 6 » JDownloader 0.9.580 [20101006 Plugin Upd] RuS Portable

JDownloader 0.9.580 [20101006 Plugin Upd] RuS Portable

JDownloader служит для автоматического скачивания с таких популярных обменников как RapidShare.com, RapidShare.de, Depositfiles.com, Filefactory.com, Uploaded.to, Megaupload.com, Megashares.com, Vip-file.com, upshare.net, letitbit.net, Youtube.com, Myvideo.de, Imagefap.com, files.to etc. Для работы программы требуется Sun Java Runtime Environment 6 или выше.

Автоматическая загрузка с сайтов:
- letitbit.net
- depositfiles.com
- filefactory.com
- uploading.com
- vip-file.com
- RapidShare.com
- youtube.com
- RapidShare.de
- uploaded.to
- megaupload.com
- megashares.com
- upshare.net
- myvideo.de
- imagefap.com

JDownloader - a program with open source software, developed by a group of enthusiasts from Germany. Written in Java for the program would require (Ousley suddenly you have this is not) to install Java Runtime Environment from the site progi.

Among other things, developers JDownloader allocate a new mechanism of "order": new design scheme established and applied very quickly, providing the most acceptable appearance of the application.

Additional Information:
- Built-in link checker, checks the validity of links while adding to the download, just reconnect the system, Curl - works flawlessly with most modems and routers.
- UnRAR unpacker with built passvord sheet automatic Unzip all downloaded files.
- Multi-threaded download - where you can simultaneously download files from different sharing services, for example with rapidshare, faylfektori and deposit. Switching to the premium, if any, of course, there is no problem.

Instructions for Applying of the program:
1) After installing the program, if necessary, without constraint go in the settings. Choosing a sufficiently wide. Judge for yourself daily updates provide programs of high relevance.

2) How to tip: "tinctures", "Updates" tab, enable "auto update" (last update as at 05 ?????? 2010 installed).

3) The program is easily picks up links (links) to file exchanger and groups them into "collector options. Here is an automatic check their availability on the server. If a link is painted with green color, then working, red-killed. Once all the links tightened,'ll start. In those positions, where the links are closed, add them to download a copy tag:

* Control Panel - capture options - download - Start downloading from the list [Alt + P]

4) Where can file exchanger, prog pulls all uploads simultaneously. However, such as filefactory, you must manually enter a code and download are in the same stream.

5) Premium-aki is entered: panel 'Settings' tab Hoster "button" Premium ", the button" Add Account "tab" Hoster "and the choice of sharing services, name" User Name "and" Password ".

Год выпуска: 2010
Платформа: Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
Разработчик: http://www.jdownloader.org/home/index
Активация|рег код: Не требуется
Язык: Мульти / русский / English
Размер: 28.25 Mb

JDownloader 0.9.580 [20101006 Plugin Upd] RuS Portable

Категория: Интернет | Просмотров: 312 | Добавил: go19021984 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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