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Главная » 2010 » Октябрь » 11 » ID3 Renamer 4.0.9 Portable

ID3 Renamer 4.0.9 Portable

ID3 Renamer - многофункциональная утилита которая позволяет вам делать всевозможные операции над ID3 тэгами. например, Вы можете создать любой шаблон для нового названия файла, используя информацию ID3 тага (номер, название, исполнитель, альбом, год и т. д.) и переименовать всю или часть вашей музыкальной коллекции. Также Вы можете редактировать ID3 таг в отдельном MP3 файле. Удобный, легкий в работе интерфейс поможет Вам организовать вашу работу быстро и удобно. ID3 Renamer - специально для всех, кто работает с MP3 файлами и любит порядок в своей музыкальной MP3 коллекции.

ID3 Renamer is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata (ID3, Vorbis Comments and APE) of common audio formats. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words from tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. The program supports online freedb database lookups for selected files, allowing you to automatically gather proper tag information for select files or CDs.

Do you have loads of MP3 files in a directory and need to write a single common piece of information into them (e.g. the interpret or the album name)? You can type it in there manually, but this won't make you very cheerful if the amount of files is large. And what about the diacritics removal - e.g. for an MP3 player? Using ID3 renamer, everything is a matter of a few mouse clicks.

Features of ID3 Renamer:

- Useful if you need to rename a large number of files in a directory accordingly to their ID3 description and a given "formula" (e.g. (%Track) %Artist - %Title). Such a function is pretty "smart", as it lets you assembly the filename as you wish and use the variables from the ID3 tag in the filename. It is required you mark them with a "%" at the beginning, followed by an ID3 section label (literally - i.e. the first letter is capital, exactly as it is referred to in the roll-down menu).
- Do you have loads of MP3 files in a directory and need to write a single common piece of information into them (e.g. the interpret or the album name)? You can type it in there manually, but this won't make you very cheerful if the amount of files is large. Using ID3 renamer, everything is a matter of a few mouse clicks.
- Do you need to clean some portion of the ID3 tag? Use ID3 renamer and don't erase like every single line.
- Do you need to remove the diacritics? Choose the advanced options and it's already done.
- ID3 renamer can also create a new tag if there is none in the file yet; it lets you easily write into new files too.
- You can also fill the tag with information from the filename (alike the renaming process). Just type in the pattern, definition of information layout in the filename and ID3 tag version - and ID3 renamer will store everything. The pattern is given in the form of a regular expression.
- You can also fill tag according to search in FreeDB database of CDs. There is a complete description of CD and then it's easy to fill the tag with this informations.
- ID3 renamer fully supports ID3v1, ID3v1.1, ID3v1.1+Winamp extension, all fields of the ID3v2.x, which are contained within ID3v1 (for now).
- ID3 renamer is compact and doesn't demand a great computer performance
It runs under any Windows version (tested on Win98, XP, 2000)
- As all my programs do, so ID3 renamer incorporates the update ability (or getting the latest version) over the Internet
- At its first run it creates a configuration *.ini file, which it uses to store its settings.

What are the abilities of ID3 renamer?:

* Useful if you need to rename a large number of files in a directory accordingly to their ID3 description and a given "formula" (e.g. (%Track) %Artist - %Title). Such a function is pretty "smart", as it lets you assembly the filename as you wish and use the variables from the ID3 tag in the filename. It is required you mark them with a "%" at the beginning, followed by an ID3 section label (literally - i.e. the first letter is capital, exactly as it is referred to in the roll-down menu).
* Do you have loads of MP3 files in a directory and need to write a single common piece of information into them (e.g. the interpret or the album name)? You can type it in there manually, but this won't make you very cheerful if the amount of files is large. Using ID3 renamer, everything is a matter of a few mouse clicks.
* Do you need to clean some portion of the ID3 tag? Use ID3 renamer and don't erase like every single line.
* Do you need to remove the diacritics? Choose the advanced options and it's already done.
* ID3 renamer can also create a new tag if there is none in the file yet; it lets you easily write into new files too.
* You can also fill the tag with information from the filename (alike the renaming process). Just type in the pattern, definition of information layout in the filename and ID3 tag version - and ID3 renamer will store everything. The pattern is given in the form of a regular expression.
* You can also fill tag according to search in FreeDB database of CDs. There is a complete description of CD and then it's easy to fill the tag with this informations.
* ID3 renamer fully supports ID3v1, ID3v1.1, ID3v1.1+Winamp extension and ID3v2.x.
* The program is compact and doesn't demand a great computer performance.
* It runs under any Windows version (tested on Win98, XP, 2003).
* As all my programs do, so ID3 renamer incorporates the update ability (or getting the latest version) over the Internet.
* At its first run it creates a configuration file, which it uses to store its settings (settings is stored for each user in user-profile directory).

ОС: WinAll
Язык: английский
Год выпуска: 2010
Активация: не требуется
Размер: 1.08 Mb

ID3 Renamer 4.0.9 Portable

Категория: Мультимедиа | Просмотров: 389 | Добавил: go19021984 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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